UPGRD® SalesGod™

For high performers who want to get to the next level

UPGRD® SalesGod™

For high performers who want to get to the next level

Maybe… you already have a track record of wins...

Maybe… you have more sales awards than you have space on your bookshelf…

Maybe… you’re always busy chasing the next sales target…

But no matter what you do, you feel stuck. 

Like you’re at the top of your game but you can’t get to the next level no matter what you do. 

Sound familiar?

Mastering Strategies and Tactics Isn’t Enough To Become The Top 10% In Sales

Most salespeople fail to achieve their full potential because they focus on mastering strategies and tactics.

But if you don’t understand how to influence the decision-making process on an unconscious level…

You’ll continue stressing over sales strategies and conversion rates. Because you can’t escape the pressure, the feeling that you always need to be doing better.

Especially when friends and acquaintances seem to have it all – more clients, bigger deals, higher income. Making it easy to feel behind, like you’re never good enough.

The result? 

When you’re not at work, you're constantly stressed and always thinking about work. You can't switch off, can't relax, can't just be in the moment. 

Even when your family and friends try to help, you're still distant and not fully present. Because there’s always another milestone to hit, another client to win over, another deal to close.

You might even try to compensate by overworking…

Even though deep down you know you’re on the path to burnout.

95% of every buying decision happens at the unconscious level.

The fact is: our unconscious mind processes over 11 million bits of information every second.

… Yet our conscious minds can only handle 50 bits every second! 

Think about when you walk towards a door. Even if you’ve never been in front of that door, you automatically push it open, pull it, or turn a knob.

To know what you should do with a door, your unconscious mind flips through past life experiences with doors and automatically drives you to take an action.

This exact same process happens during every moment of your life – including sales conversions. So every time someone makes a buying decision, their unconscious mind instantly pulls information from past experiences.

What if upgrading your life was as easy as updating your computer?

UPGRD Via Complete Self Coaching downloads new beliefs directly into your unconscious to reprogram your mind.

Once your mind upgrades to a new operating system, taking the right action becomes effortless.

Finally, you can break free from cycles of failed goals and self-sabotage. Living your dream life is easy once you conquer bad habits, thoughts, and behaviors.

What People Are Saying About Their UPGRD® Sales God

✔ Switch on God-level confidence, influence, and persuasion skills by tapping into hidden unconscious capabilities

✔ Master hypnotic language patterns and micro-behaviors so you naturally crush sales objections, resistance, and friction

✔ Effortlessly sell by establishing rapport at a level that your peers consider ‘only for the top 1%’

✔ And because we don’t want just anyone to get their hands on these skills, we’ll only reveal the rest if you qualify…

Designed by America’s #1 mental reprogrammer – William Lam

- Originally for high net-worth individuals seeking the latest innovation in mental programming

- Now available for anyone who wants to effortlessly close more deals by mastering unconscious communication